Thursday, December 10, 2009

Wednesday Randoms

~I love Miller High Life. Not sure if this may come as a shock to yall, but dang. It's good!
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~ I love time away from my kiddos(which doesn't happen very often) and 8:00pm but I can't wait to wake up in the morning to my son laying next to me sleeping and Ree talking in her bed! I live for that moment!
~ I've learned that life with my hub is so much easier when I actually compromise. It's amazing the difference when I let him do what he wants and he the same. These things obviously come with limits, but we're both so much happier now. Especially that he doesn't work a billion hours a week. I can actually do things now. I love my life now.
~I love photography much more when I'm doing it for fun. It's still great to make money but much more rewarding doing it for people and having them appreciate it. I guess we all need to be pet more often!
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~I watched BrokeBack Mountain the other night. Not what I expected and I felt dirty after watching it!
~It's freezing outside. Global Warming my ASS!